

UserMetadata.php : 33
Extends Criterion

A criterion that matches content based on one of the user metadata (owner, group, modifier).

Supported Operators: EQ, IN: Matches the provided user ID(s) against the user IDs in the database

Example: $createdCriterion = new Criterion\UserMetadata( Criterion\UserMetadata::OWNER, Operator::IN, array( 10, 14 ) );



UserMetadata.php : 43

UserMetadata target: Owner user group.

public mixed GROUP = 'group'


UserMetadata.php : 48

UserMetadata target: Modifier.

public mixed MODIFIER = 'modifier'


UserMetadata.php : 38

UserMetadata target: Owner user.

public mixed OWNER = 'owner'


public $operator

Criterion.php : 23

The operator used by the Criterion.

public string $operator

public $target

Criterion.php : 37

The target used by the criteria (field, metadata...).

public string $target

public $value

Criterion.php : 30

The value(s) matched by the criteria.

public array<string|int, scalar>|scalar $value

public $valueData

Criterion.php : 44

Additional value data, required by some criterions, MapLocationDistance for instance.

public Value $valueData



UserMetadata.php : 59

Creates a new UserMetadata criterion on $metadata.

public __construct(string $target, string|null $operator, mixed $value)


Name Type Default value Description
$target string -

One of UserMetadata::OWNER, UserMetadata::GROUP or UserMetadata::MODIFIED

$operator string|null -

The operator the Criterion uses. If null is given, will default to Operator::IN if $value is an array, Operator::EQ if it is not.

$value mixed -

The match value, either as an array of as a single value, depending on the operator


If target is unknown


UserMetadata.php : 73

Criterion description function.

public getSpecifications() : array<string|int, Specifications>

Returns the combination of the Criterion's supported operator/value, as an array of Specifications objects

  • Operator is one supported Operator, as an Operator::* constant
  • ValueType is the type of input value this operator requires, either array or single
  • SupportedTypes is an array of types the operator will accept
  • ValueCountLimitation is an integer saying how many values are expected.
// IN and EQ are supported return [ // The EQ operator expects a single value, either as an integer or a string new Specifications( Operator::EQ, Specifications::FORMAT_SINGLE, Specifications::TYPE_INTEGER | Specifications::TYPE_STRING ), // The IN operator expects an array of values, of either integers or strings new Specifications( Operator::IN, Specifications::FORMAT_ARRAY, Specifications::TYPE_INTEGER | Specifications::TYPE_STRING ) ]

Return values

array<string|int, Specifications>