

InputStruct.php : 14
Extends ValueObject

This class represents a value for creating and updating object states and groups.


public $defaultLanguage

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The default language code for.

public string $defaultLanguage

public $description

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Human readable description of the object state.

public array<string|int, string> $description

The structure of this field is: array( 'eng-US' => '<description_eng>', 'ger-DE' => '<description_de>' );

public $identifier

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The identifier for the object state group.

public string $identifier

public $name

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Human readable name of the object state.

public array<string|int, string> $name

The structure of this field is: array( 'eng-US' => '<name_eng>', 'ger-DE' => '<name_de>' );



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Construct object optionally with a set of properties.

public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $properties = [] ])

Readonly properties values must be set using $properties as they are not writable anymore after object has been created.


Name Type Default value Description
$properties array<string|int, mixed> [] -


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Function where list of properties are returned.

protected getProperties([array<string|int, mixed> $dynamicProperties = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Used by attributes(), override to add dynamic properties


Name Type Default value Description
$dynamicProperties array<string|int, mixed> []

Additional dynamic properties exposed on the object

Return values

array<string|int, mixed>