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Step 1 — Get a starter website


You can find all files used and modified in this step on GitHub.

To set up the starter website, you need to follow these steps:

Get a clean Ibexa DXP installation

To begin the tutorial, you need a clean installation of Ibexa Experience.

Get it by following the Install Ibexa DXP guide.

Add Content Types

Log in to the Back Office – add /admin to your installation's address (<yourdomain>/admin) and log in using admin as the login and publish as the password. In Admin go to Content types tab and (under the Content category) create two Content Types with the following settings:

Dog Breed

  • Name: Dog Breed
  • Identifier: dog_breed
  • Fields:
Field Type Name Identifier Required Searchable Translatable
Text line Name name yes yes yes
Text line Short Description short_description yes yes yes
Image Asset Photo photo yes no  no 
RichText Full Description description yes yes yes


  • Name: Tip
  • Identifier: tip
  • Fields:
Field Type Name Identifier Required Searchable Translatable
Text line Title title yes yes yes
Text block Body body no  no  yes

Modify existing Article Content Type

You also need to modify the built-in Article Content Type. It will make inserting photos into articles easier. Edit it to remove the Image Field that has a Content Relation (ezobjectrelation) type, and create a new Field in its place:

Field Type Name Identifier Required Searchable Translatable
Image Asset Image image yes   no no

New image Field in the Article Content Type

Alternative text requirement

It is recommended that you require an alternative text for the image. To do this, select the "Alternative text is required" checkbox.

Add template, configuration and style files


For an introduction on how to use templates in Ibexa DXP, take a look at the Building a Bicycle Route Tracker in Ibexa DXP tutorial.

First, to remove the welcome page, go to config/packages/ and delete the ezplatform_welcome_page.yaml file.

Place the pagelayout.html.twig and pagelayout_menu.html.twig files in the templates folder. Create a new folder, called full, in templates. Place further template files in it:

Place two configuration files in the config/packages folder:

In the assets folder in the project root:

  • create a css folder and add the following stylesheet: style.css to it
  • create an images subfolder and add the header.jpg file to it

In the webpack.config.js file in the project root folder, add the following line after Encore.addEntry('app', './assets/app.js');:

Encore.addStyleEntry('tutorial', [path.resolve(__dirname, './assets/css/style.css')]);

Next, in the terminal run the commands:

yarn encore <dev|prod>
php bin/console cache:clear


Compiling assets with Webpack Encore is explained in the beginner tutorial.

In the src folder create a QueryType subfolder and add QueryType/MenuQueryType.php to it.

This file takes care of displaying the top menu (read up on it in the documentation). It is not the scope of this tutorial and we won't go here into detail on how it works.

This is what the structure of the new and modified files should look like (excluding pre-existing files):

File structure

Create content

Now return to the Back Office and create some content for your website.

First, you are not implementing a shop in this tutorial, so you can hide shop-related Content items from the project root.

Go to Content -> Content structure and select "Ibexa Digital Experience Platform". In the Sub-items section, select all the current sub-items and click the Hide selected Locations icon:

Hiding Content items you do not need

Next, under "Ibexa Digital Experience Platform", create three Folders. Call them 'All Articles', 'Dog Breed Catalog' and 'All Tips'. Remember that you save and close them by using the 'Publish' button.

Next, create a few Content items of proper Content Types in each of these folders:

  • 4 Articles (at least, to best see the effects of the Content Scheduler block that you will create in step 3.)
  • 3 Dog Breeds
  • 3 Tips

Add images

When you need an image, you can use one from this image pack. This will let you compare effects of your work to screenshots in the tutorial.

At this point you are ready to proceed with the next step.