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The EWZRecaptchaBundle provides a reCAPTCHA form field for Symfony. It includes an additional validator.

The following forms are ready to use reCAPTCHA:

  • Contact form
  • Cancellation form
  • Registration forms
    • private
    • business
  • Activate business

You can configure the following reCAPTCHA options in the Back Office:

  • theme (light or dark)
  • type (audio or image)
  • size (normal or compact)
  • defer - when present, specifies that the script is executed when the page has finished parsing.
  • async - when present, specifies that the script is executed asynchronously as soon as it is available.

Activating reCAPTCHA in forms

1. Generate the reCAPTCHA API-Key pair

Go to: and log in.

Register a new domain to get a pair of keys.

2. Configure reCAPTCHA

Add the generated keys to parameters.yml:

ewz_recaptcha_public_key: 6L************************************ev
ewz_recaptcha_private_key: 6L************************************hF

Adding reCAPTCHA to a form

To add reCAPTCHA, extend the form entity and type.

Refer to EshopBundle/Entities/Forms/RegisterBusiness.php and EshopBundle/Entities/Forms/Types/RegisterBusinessType.php for examples.

When you have extended the form entity and type you must add a parameter to forms.yml and extend configuration_core.yml (silver_form_type_business):

Refer to EshopBundle/Resources/config/forms.yml and EshopBundle/Resources/config/backend/configuration_core.yml for examples.