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ProductNode is an abstract base class for product elements. It inherits from product category CatalogElement. OrderableProductNode is a concrete implementation of ProductNode for a product.

Each ProductNode has predefined properties. These methods are validated automatically on constructor by the validateProperties() method.

Identifier Field identifier Type Description
name ses_name string Product name
sku ses_sku string Unique Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of the product
manufacturerSku ses_manufacturer_sku string Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) as provided by the manufacturer of the product
ean ses_ean string European Article Number (EAN)
type ses_product_type string Type of the product, e.g. vegetable
isOrderable boolean True, if the product is orderable
price ses_unit_price FieldInterface Price of the product
customerPrice PriceField (FieldInterface) Customer price of the product which might be generated from a price provider
scaledPrices ArrayField Array with scaled prices and parameters to determine which scale price should be applied
stock ses_stock_numeric FieldInterface Available stock of the product
subtitle ses_subtitle TextBlockField (FieldInterface) Product subtitle
shortDescription ses_short_description TextBlockField (FieldInterface) Short product description
longDescription ses_long_description TextBlockField (FieldInterface) Long product description
specifications ses_specifications FieldInterface[] List of specifications of the product
imageList ses_image_1 ... ses_image_4 ImageField[] (FieldInterface[]) List of images
minOrderQuantity ses_min_order_quantity float Minimum quantity that can be ordered
maxOrderQuantity ses_max_order_quantity float Maximum quantity that can be ordered
allowedQuantity string Regex that indicates the allowed quantity
packagingUnit ses_packaging_unit float Packaging unit of the product
unit ses_unit string Unit of the product
vatCode ses_vat_code string VAT code of the product. Needed to determine VAT rate

allowedQuantity regex

This regex can be evaluated using the preg_match() function by some processes to check if the given quantity corresponds to the allowed quantity. The following values can be used:


Example for an individual expression: '#^[0-9]+(\.|,)?[0-9]*$#'

If this regex is not set, the quantity can be an integer only.


'allowedQuantity' => ProductNodeConstants::ALLOWED_QUANTITY_UP_TO_ONE_DECIMAL_PLACE,