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Shop cache

Ibexa DXP uses different caches for the shop, including HTTP cache, which can greatly increase shop performance. Dynamic parts of the shop, such as basket preview or prices, are displayed using dynamic caching features such as ESI or JavaScript.

ESI-rendered blocks in the shop

Controller Purpose Cache settings
SilversolutionsEshopBundle:CustomerProfileData:showHeaderLogin Displays information about the logged-in user in the top part of the page Purged after login/logout and delegation process
IbexaPlatformCommerceCheckoutBundle:Basket:showBasketPreview Displays a short version of the basket in the top part of the page Purged when basket changes
Tags: siso_basket_<basketid>
SilversolutionsEshopBundle:PageLayout:getFooter Footer information shared among all pages Caching strategy service_menu
Bestseller box for catalog pages Caching strategy product_list
SilversolutionsEshopBundle:ProductType:productList Product type list page Caching strategy product_type_children
IbexaPlatformCommerceCheckoutBundle:Basket:showStoredBasketPreview Displays a badge with the number of products in stored comparison or the number of stored baskets Caching strategy basket_preview
Purged when basket changes
Tags: siso_basket_<basketid>
SilversolutionsEshopBundle:Navigation:showMenu Left menu Tag: siso_menu
SilversolutionsEshopBundle:Navigation:showMenu Main menu Tag: siso_menu

All cache blocks are described in the silver_eshop.default.http_cache parameter in parameters.yml:

        # Response max age in seconds. Zero means that this response will not be cached.
        max_age: 28800
        vary: ~
        max_age: 28800
        vary: ~

Shop cache tags

Ibexa DXP uses cache tags to tag and purge content.

Tag Used for Purged
siso_basket_<id> Basket preview in the header By event, on basket change
siso_menu Main menu and left side menus (product catalog)
content-<contentid> Textmodules When content (text modules) are changed
siso_user_<userid> User-specific data (shows name of the user) When the user logs in or out

Purging caches

You can purge the shop's HTTP cache with the ibexa:commerce:purge-http-cache command.

By default, the command purges all shop-related HTTP caches. You can specify cache identifiers to purge as a space-separated list, for example:

php bin/console ibexa:commerce:purge-http-cache 1056 222 --env="prod"