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Calculating prices

The basket recalculates the prices after each change of its content. The request to the price engine is sent when the basket is stored. This avoids the price engine being triggered several times (for example, if more than one product has been updated or added). The prices provided by the price engine (and ERP) are stored in the basket for each line.

The price engine is also triggered when the basket is fetched from the database and the last price calculation is older than the provided time.

The time is set in the configuration in minutes:

ses_basket.default.recalculatePricesAfter: 60

By default, the attributes from the ProductNode entity are used. The price engine sets the following fields:

Field Value
LinePriceAmount The customer price for the given quantity
IsIncVat Whether LinePriceAmount includes VAT or not
Price Price for one piece. This price may be calculated if the ERP doesn't provide a price for one piece
Vat VAT in %
Currency The currency provided by the ERP/price engine

The price engine sets stock information as well because the ERP often provides information about the availability in a price request as well:

  • remoteDataMap['stockNumeric'] - number of items on stock
  • remoteDataMap['onStock'] - boolean