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The ID of the service is silver_basket.basket_service.

Service methods:

Method Usage Parameters Return
getBasket Returns the basket of the current user with state new. Request $request, string $state Basket
getCopiedBasket Returns the copied basket by given origin basket ID and given state, or null if no copied basket was found. $originId, $state Basket or null
getOrder Returns the order for the given basket ID, or null if no order exists. $basketId Basket or null
storeBasket Stores the basket in the database. If necessary, the price engine is initiated and total prices are calculated and stored.
The allProductsAvailable flag is set here. If required, the catalog elements are fetched and stored again.
The updateDateLastModified parameter is used to determine whether dateLastModified should be updated in the basket.
Basket $basket, $updateDateLastModified Basket - stored $basket
getBasketGroupList Not implemented Basket $basket, $groupType array - a list of used codes
mergeBasket Merges two baskets. The lines of the additionalBasket are assigned to the baseBasket. Basket $baseBasket, Basket $additionalBasket Basket - merged basket
copyBasket Creates a new basket with the state offered based on the given basket. All attributes are copied. The new basket isn't stored in the database. Basket $originBasket Basket - copied basket
removeBasket Removes a basket from the database. If withAssigned is true, all baskets that are based on this basket are removed from the database. Basket $basket, $withAssigned
cleanUpBaskets Removes all anonymous baskets from the storage that are older than the given datetime. Datetime $datetime int - a count of the removed baskets
in failure null
getBasketsForType Returns a list of baskets belonging to the current user for the given type and status. Request $request, string $basketType, string $state Basket[]
getBasketByUserId Gets a basket from the database by userId. If not found, a new basket is returned, but not stored in the database. $userId, $type, $state, $name, $splittingCode Basket - found or new basket
getBasketBySessionId Gets a basket from the database by sessionId. If not found, a new basket is returned, but not stored in the database. $sessionId, $type, $state, $name, $splittingCode Basket - found or new basket
addBasketLineToBasket Adds a basket line to the basket and stores the basket in the database. Used for throwing and intercepting events. Basket $basket, $sku, $quantity, `$variantCode
removeBasketLineFromBasket Removes a basket line from a basket. Used for throwing and intercepting events. Basket is not stored in the database. Basket $basket, BasketLine $basketLine
updateBasketLineInBasket Updates a basket line in a basket. Used for throwing and intercepting events. Basket is not stored in the database. Basket $basket, BasketLine $basketLine, $increase
createBasketLineForSku Creates a new basket line for the given SKU and variantCode. Basket $basket, $sku, $quantity, $variantCode BasketLine
addBasketLineToStoredatabaseasket Adds a basket line to the basket. Basket $basket, $basketType, $sku, $quantity, null|string $variantCode, null|array $dataMap
validateQuantity Returns validated quantity as a float. string $quantity float
isValidQuantity Returns true if the quantity is valid. string $quantity bool
setBasketMessagesAsFlashMessages Adds all basket messages into a session as flash bag messages. The goal of this method is to store basket messages before, for example, a redirection, so the basket messages are not lost. Basket $basket void
setFlashMessagesAsBasketMessages Adds session flash bag messages into basket (if there are any) and deletes the flash bag messages from session. Basket $basket void