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Bundles starter pack

eZ Platform application is a collection of bundles, similar to Symfony where "everything is a bundle". Bundles listed below are useful additions to your clean eZ Platform installation. By using them you can improve your Platform usage.

For more information about eZ Platform bundle structure check out:

Everyday Platform usage

Bundle Description
ezmigrationbundle helps to handle content upgrade/migration
EzCoreExtraBundle adds: configurable template variable injection; context aware Twig global variables; simplified authorization checks
TagsBundle helps with taxonomy management and classification of content
NovaeZSEOBundle simplifies SEO management
EzSystemsPrivacyCookieBundle adds privacy cookie banner
CommentsBundle integrates comments with Disqus and Facebook, also allows custom comment system/services integrations
EzSystemsShareButtonsBundle adds social share buttons

Migration from legacy

Bundle Description
LegacyBridge optional bridge between eZ Platform and eZ Publish Legacy that simplifies migration to eZ Platform [Community co-maintained]
ezplatform-xmltext-fieldtype XmlText field type for eZ Platform [Community co-maintained]
ezflow-migration-toolkit set of tools that helps migrate data from legacy eZ Flow extension to eZ Studio landing page management
ezplatformsearch eZ Publish Legacy extension that integrates eZ Platform search capabilities into eZ Publish Legacy
ngsymfonytools eZ Publish 4 extension that provides a way to include Twig templates, as well as running Symfony sub-requests, directly from the eZ Publish legacy templates
NetgenRichTextDataTypeBundle allows eZ Publish Legacy to work with RichText (ezrichtext) field type available in eZ Platform


Bundle Description
RepositoryProfilerBundle profiles Platform API/SPI and sets up scenarios to be able to continuously test to keep track of performance regressions of repository and underlying storage engines


This bundles are not necessarily something you would install but they are useful for learning process:

Bundle Description
CookbookBundle working examples for using eZ Platform public PHP API
ezplatform-com the eZ Systems Developer Hub for the Open Source PHP CMS eZ Platform (example site)
ezplatform-ee-demo fork of the "ezplatform-ee" meta repository, contains changes to composer.json, AppKernel.php and config necessary to enable eZ Platform Enterprise Edition Demo. Not recommended for a clean install for new projects, but great for observation and learning (example site)
ezplatform-demo fork of "ezplatform" meta repository, contains code and dependencies for demo distribution of eZ Platform. Not recommended for a clean installation for new projects, but great for observation and learning(example site)
TweetFieldTypeBundle bundle that is created in the Field Type Tutorial (example field type)
ezplatform-drawio-fieldtype provides support for diagrams editing in eZ Platform via (example field type)
ezplatform-ui-2.0-introduction an example of eZ Platform extensibility in version 2